Monday, 6 March 2017

Rapid Appreciation: Toyota Corolla KE70

Over the years, cars come and go. A car that was once worth little to nothing can become worth something over time for a variety of reasons, such as the vehicle becoming rare or a major following developing of said vehicle.

An excellent example of such rapid appreciation is the humble Toyota Corolla KE70. A few years ago, they were worth practically nothing and were definitely not in short supply. Many examples were either thrashed, crashed or sent to the junkyard as they weren't really worth anything to anyone.

However, the E chassis that the Corolla is based on is also shared with the legendary AE86, which means that the car can easily take modifications such as a 4AGE swap or like the car above, A BEAMS 3SGE powerplant. This, combined with the decreasing amount of 70's left on the road hiked up prices for the once neglected Corolla.

Nowadays, a dead stock '70 is worth a few grand with one excellent example for sale on Trade Me for $8,000. Other project cars can still be bought for cheap but if you want a tidy example you would have to spend a bit more.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more awesome automotive articles.

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